
Sharing the fun and success of Eco Miners events is something we take seriously. Posted below is a combination of video, photo and media coverage from previous events!

December 2, 2010

Photo taken by Brad Rupert
Newspaper. The Missouri Miner featured "Supporting a coal-free S&T" highlighting the National Action for a Clean Energy Future held by Eco Miners on November 18, including the more than 100 petitions collected supporting a coal-free S&T and the 200 pinwheels created as part of the action. The article was written by Eco Miners Co-chairperson, Eric Farrow. 

November 18, 2010 (National Action for a Clean Energy Future)

Photo taken by Ian Davis
Video. The event started with student speaker and Eco Miners Public Relations Chairperson, Melissa Elder. Melissa introduced the Beyond Coal campaign to a crowd of more than 30 people and quoted a report by the Clean Air Task Force stating “that over 13,000 deaths each year are attributable to fine particle pollution from U.S. power plants.” [Watch this clip to see more of what Melissa had to say.]

Newspaper. The Rolla Daily News featured a front page Q&A article entitled "S&T students rally for use of alternate fuels" with Eco Miners Co-chairperson, Eric Farrow. In the article, Eric explained the details of the Beyond Coal campaign and the National Action for a Clean Energy Future.

November 11, 2010

Newspaper. The Missouri Miner featured an article written by Eco Miners Co-chairperson, Eric Farrow.  Entitled "Moving S&T Beyond Coal", the article recaps on the inspiration for many group members to begin the Beyond Coal campaign at S&T.